Specializing in Arvigo abdominal massage therapy

Brooklyn Manhattan Summit, NJ

Experience hands-on healing, compassionate support and effective self-care suggestions.


Arvigo is a form of Mayan abdominal massage that is a gentle, non-invasive healing therapy. Through specialized massage techniques, internal abdominal organs are gently adjusted to alleviate stagnation. This improves tissue congestion and organ constriction to provide the vital flow of blood, lymph, hormones, nerve signals, and energy in the abdomen.


In addition to physically releasing deep tension and refreshing the blood flow to muscles and organs, The Arvigo techniques result in a restored homeostasis in the body. This important balance helps the body’s natural ability to repair itself.


Arvigo Therapy is widely known for treatment of the reproductive organs of both men and women. This includes the correction of a prolapsed, fallen, or tilted uterus in women; the prevention and treatment of benign prostate enlargement in men; and in the treatment of common digestive issues for all.

But the Arvigo technique is much more wide reaching and can support and enhance health and wellness throughout the entire life cycle for women, men, and adolescents.


• Fertility Enhancement

• Digestive disorders (constipation, IBS, gastritis & others)

• Urinary System (incontinence, frequent urinary infections, etc.)

• Post Surgical (scar tissue, recovery, etc.)

• Emotional Tension

• Muscular Tension


• Menstrual Disorders (painful/irregular cycle/Amenorrhea)

• Endometriosis, cysts, fibroids

• Painful intercourse

• Pelvic Organ Congestion / Prolapse

• Support during Assisted Reproductive Technology (IVF, IUI, etc)


• Support during Pre-Conception through Postpartum

• Discomforts of Pregnancy; Birth Preparation

• Miscarriage support

• Surgical recovery (C-section, hysterectomy, etc)

• Chronic bladder/yeast infections

• Menopause


• Early stages of enlarged prostate (BPH- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy)

• Prostatitis (in cases of mild inflammation of prostate gland)

• Frequent urination and urgency

• Impotence & Erectile Dysfunction

Beyond the session with self-care

Arvigo is more than just a treatment session with a practitioner. It’s an education. One that allows clients to continue receiving benefits and relief from symptoms long after the session ends. Through personalized instruction, clients learn how to perform simple self-care massage at home to continue their healing.